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Movement is self-nourishment. Follow these tips for life-improvement and life-transformation. For excellent energy, eat a wide
variety of nutritious and colorful foods, especially green. Florescent lighting, although cheaper, affects our emotions
and physical health in a negative way, bringing irritability and fatigue. Read a fascinating book
by Dr. It has been found that increased exposure to sunlight decreases heart rate, blood
pressure, blood sugar and lactic acid. Spend quality time alone in order to center yourself
and to accept what you need to change about yourself. Do not like to walk?
Simply move, move, move - indoors or outdoors. We can positively impact our health by
exposing the water we drink to loving thoughts.2. Keep your stress levels down - vitally
necessary for excellent health and energy. Do not wait until your happiness level goes down,
your health is compromised or your success is short-circuited. Quiet time is essential if you
wish a life of optimal health, radiant energy, happiness, success and contribution. Use full spectrum
lighting. Use a humidifier to prevent the drying effects of heaters if you live where
it is cold 925 silver in the winter. In order to immediately optimize your health and energy,
have the body of your dreams and enjoy glowing beauty, utilize the following tips:1. People
who use full spectrum lighting are calmer, have greater mental clarity and greater energy. Call
it 'soul movement'. Buy a book to help you get started.7. Water cleanses and rejuvenates
and acts as a conductor of healing energies that pass through your body. Drink plenty
of water. Or, use a dehumidifier if you live where it is hot and humid
or near water.6. Sunlight increases the efficiency of the heart and the ability of blood
to carry oxygen. Get out and walk - anytime, anywhere. Good nutrition, creative outlets, exercise
and rest will support. Use an air filter to clean the air in your home,
especially if you live in the city or must keep your windows closed most of
the time.5. You will find numerous videos, books, gyms and health clubs for your instruction
and education. Read self-improvement books. Get out in the direct sunlight at least 20 minutes
daily. The only equipment needed is requin tn a pair of walking shoes. Things are now changing
with lightning speed and we must keep our personal vibration at the highest possible level.Utilize
these suggestions now. They will serve the highest aspirations of your heart and soul. Exercise
daily for strength, endurance, agility and balance. His experiments have shown that the structure of
water can be changed. She helps people get from where they are now to where
they want to go by guiding them to access and embody their inner soul-power, one
step at a time. Avoid people and situations that steal your energy, including nightly news
on TV.9. No need for structured movement; your body will create what it needs and
wants in the moment. Masaru Emoto, The hidden messages in water. Your body is made
up of great amounts of water so the water you drink should be absolutely pure.
Listen to tapes, teleconferences; attend talks, workshops and seminars to constantly heighten and expand your
consciousness. Incandescent lighting, though better than fluorescent lighting, lacks ultraviolet (UV) light.3. You will be
manifesting a life of optimal health and boundless energy, taking you toward your most valued
goals.Rijuta Tooker is a certified health and life wellness coach and specializes in working with
people who want to seamlessly combine their spiritual life with their every-day practical life. Other
benefits include increased strength, energy and tolerance to stress.4. Manifesting optimal health and boundless energy
will increase your physical, mental and emotional stamina, strengthen your immune system and bring more
joy and fulfillment to your life. 8. Eat locally grown organic food that is fresh
and in season in your locale, or grow your own. Eat uncooked foods with each
meal or lightly steamed in colder weather. After resting on the weekends, many begin the
work week on Monday with zest and enthusiasm and wonder why, by Wednesday, they are
feeling the usual fatigue and stress.Most of us know what we must do for better
health and increased energy but need reminders about what actions we need to take. Help
yourself and ultimately, contribute to the betterment of others.10. Take early morning walks, visit the
museum during lunch or pray and meditate. Click here to contact Rijuta Soul Power.
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